with Relays: Copernicus: lo sguardo dell’Europa sulla Terra [Copernicus: the eyes of Europe on the Earth]
27. September 2019
Copernicus: lo sguardo dell’Europa sulla Terra [Copernicus: the eyes of Europe on the Earth]
In the framework of the BRAINCITIES (Boosting ReseArch Inside CITIzens communitiES) project IMAA is organizing a related event during the 2019 European Researchers’ Nights initiative of the European Union funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (BRAINCITIES – H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018). The event will take place at the new Campus of the University of Basilicata, in Matera, on September 27, 2019.
A full program of initiatives will animate the Campus with lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and shows. The main objective is to raise awareness among the general public of the importance that research may have in facing common problems and general issues. Among the research activities that will be presented during the event, satellite Remote sensing and Earth Observation (EO) topics will be part of the program. In particular, satellite data, products and solutions, with a specific focus on the EU flagship EO program Copernicus, will be presented during the event, from both representatives of TeRN/CNR (partner of CorDiNet) and Unibas (partner of CopHub.AC).
The EU Copernicus User Uptake Initiative will be also addressed during mini-talks and face-to-face meetings. Moreover, an EU corner will be established, where the Copernicus program and the two SpaceHub Coordination and Support actions (CoRdiNet and CopHub.AC) will be presented to the general public. A very different audience will attend the meeting: scholars, university and PhD students, professors, researchers, representatives of Local Regional Authorities and Small/Medium/Big Enterprises, individual citizens as well as of local/national news and media.
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