DRAFT – Gateway

For the official application for Copernicus Academy membership please use the link available at: https://www.copernicus.eu/en/opportunities/education/copernicus-academy.

Here you can test an additional application form, by which the CopHub.AC project collects additional data of potential and current members, in order to feed the knowledge landscape and other interactive tools under development. Please fill in your information about your department, if existing, otherwise of your organisation. Please note that one organisation may have multiple departments being all individual Copernicus Academy members.

We are currently testing a second version of the CopHub.AC Gateway with the use of the new EARSC taxonomy which can be found here:

    Information about your ORGANISATION

    ALREADY a Copernicus Academy member? Select your organisation*

    NOT a Copernicus Academy member? Fill in the name of your organisation

    Type of organisation*

    Other type of organisation

    Please upload your organisation logo, if you are not a Copernicus Academy member

    Information about your DEPARTMENT (institute, division ...)

    Name of your department*

    Number of staff at the department*


    Address of your department*




    Educational programmes of your department*
    BachelorMasterPhDCommercial coursesDistance educationIntensive learning (Summer school)Vocational and educational training (VET)MOOC - Massive Open Online CoursesNone

    Please upload your department logo

    Social Media of your DEPARTMENT (alternatively of your organisation)

    Facebook (URL)

    Twitter (Name)

    Instagram (Name)

    Linkedin (URL)

    YouTube (URL)

    Application fields of your DEPARTMENT

    10 = highly experienced innovation driver (e.g. standardisation efforts, working groups, service implementation, academic achievements, etc.)
    1 = very basic understanding, just started to engage with the topic

    Your level of expertise in: Methods and technologies (Low: 1 - High: 10)*


    Spatial analysis*

    Image processing & analysis*

    Data integration & assimilation*

    Big (Earth) data*


    Your level of expertise in: Copernicus services (Low: 1 - High: 10)*





    Climate Change*


    Your level of expertise in: Europe Agenda & Societal areas (Low: 1 - High: 10)*

    Climate change mitigation & adaptation*

    Biodiversity & ecosystems*

    Digital agenda & new skills*

    Energy transition*

    Sustainable agriculture & food production*

    Infrastructure & transport*

    Health surveillance*

    Emergency, security & defense*

    Sustainable urban development*

    Water sustainability*

    Contact persons at the DEPARTMENT

    Scientific contact person

    First name*

    Last name*



    Administrative contact person

    First name*

    Last name*




    Describe your department and its objectives (1,800 characters / approx. 150 words)*

    Describe your motivation for becoming a member and potential role in the Copernicus Academy Network (3,000 characters / approx. 250 words)*

    [field_group emails id="existing-partnership" tabindex:1]

    Existing partnership in the Copernicus Academy Network

    Add another existing partnership  [/field_group]

    Please note that applicants from non-Copernicus Participating Countries should provide a letter of recommendation from a national authority.

    Please upload your letter of recommendation (PDF)
