European Researchers´ Night
27. September 2019 @ 15:00
TheEuropean Researchers’ Night is a mega event that takes place every year simultaneously in several hundred cities all over Europe and beyond. The key objective of the event is to increase general public awareness of the diversity of scientific research but also promote and facilitate greater public participation in the entire scientific process including participation in scientific research as well as dissemination activities. Moreover, considering a prevalent shortage the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates in Austria as well as having persisting trend of underrepresentation of women among STEM university graduates, our further aim is to enhance youth’s understanding of science and research and encourage them to pursue a career in the STEM fields to become future scientists.
CopHub.AC project was presented in European Researcher’s Night in Nicosia, Cyprus and a roll-up banner of CopHub.AC project was placed in our Research Centre’s kiosk. Information regarding the project and Copernicus services and hands-on training on the use of Copernicus data was provided to guests. Approximately 1500 guests visited the kiosk.
Copernicus applications in general, and CopHub.AC specifically, were presented during the European Researchers’ Night in Málaga, Spain. The booth of the European Topic Centre team attracted a large number of students and families that received information about CopHub.AC activities and Copernicus.