
A hitchhiker’s guide to digitalization in Europe

The detour through space

CopHub.AC and CoRdiNet invite you all to our Joint Final Dissemination Event A hitchhiker’s guide to digitalization in Europe – the detour through space on November 5th, 2020. During the event, we will summarize the achievements during the past two years as Horizon2020 projects and further set the stage for the way forward to support regions in digitalization through the adoption of Copernicus EO data and services.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the event will be held as a virtual-only event for all participants.

Please register here.

Click here for the full agenda and here for learning more about our speakers.

Copernicus Knowledge Hubs

Copernicus Academy – an emerging network

The Copernicus Academy network connects universities, research institutions, business schools, private and public organizations with the aim to facilitate cooperation in research, education and training …read more

Women in Copernicus

Not always visible – but present

Women in Copernicus is a European project which aims to identify and give a voice to women involved in or using Copernicus and its data.

More information and a 10min survey addressing European Women working or having worked with Copernicus data or in the Copernicus domain of activities can be found here:

Strengthening the research & development & innovation capacity
for the evolution of Copernicus

Boosting and sustaining the Copernicus Academy
European Union and Member States’ investment into the development and operation of Copernicus provides the necessary data resources for the realization of innovative solutions …read more

Knowledge and innovation hub
for the Copernicus Academy

A game-changer in academia-business relationships
The Space sector in Europe has been boosted by the Copernicus programme, bringing ample socio-economic and environmental benefits  …read more