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The event is a 2,5 days Hackathon event. It will focus on Copernicus applications that helps developing greener, smarter and more sustainable cities in the context of climate change. The Hackathon will channelize this topic through the 3 challenges:

  • Green & Digital City
  • Sustainable & Smart Tourism
  • Blue & Clean Mediterranean

The outputs of the Hackathon are envisaged to serve a wide set of users, both at all levels of public authorities, for the private sector and citizens.

The Hackathon is envisaged to be celebrated from 17th to 19th of April at the Digital Pole Malaga. This date has been selected to allow celebrating the award ceremony and application presentation at the Greencities Forum 2019, held in Malaga on  21st-22nd of April. It will be accompanied with a series of pre-Hackathon webinars providing an overview of Copernicus data, data access and the DIAS environment.



One Comment

  1. Monica Miguel Lago 27. February 2020 at 0:37 - Reply

    EARSC will contribute to the preparatory webinar presenting the European EO services providers and the state and health of the industry

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