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Geospatial World Forum 2020 Cancelled Due to COVID-19

Transforming Economies in 5G Era – The Geospatial Way

The 5G era has now officially begun.

We’ve heard what it is, what it can do, and how it will impact our lives. Now the time has come to experience it. The 5G megatrend is finally here and it will completely revolutionize not only the way we live, it will change how the world works.

5G brings with it a new age of interconnectedness. The so-called ‘hyperconnectivity’ of people, organizations, and machines is changing the way businesses are structured; how companies interact; and how consumers obtain services, information, and goods.

Why the geospatial way?

Geospatial industry is uniquely placed in the entire digital transformation ecosystem. It is already established that location offers the much needed fourth pillar (along with AI, IoT and Big Data) to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, enabling disruptive innovations and driving smart solutions

With 5G as the backbone, new trends in geospatial technologies such as advancements in data analytics; miniaturization of sensors; NewSpace revolution; maps for machines; and automation will impact multiple sectors and foster path-breaking innovation.

In the emerging digital economy, geospatial is not just about location. It is more about how the information revolution will affect human livelihood and the surrounding environment. In this sense, ‘Geospatial Way’ will be the future and probably the most efficient and effective way to move forward. Collaboration within the industry, with other industries and with the citizens, will be imperative in making this happen.

One Comment

  1. Monica Miguel Lago 27. February 2020 at 0:35 - Reply

    EARSC will be present

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