Copernicus User Uptake at EU and national levels
19. June 2019
Copernicus Workshop – Fostering synergies in Copernicus user uptake actitivies at European and national levels
”One of the current priorities of the European Commission is to maximise the adoption of Copernicus data and information in Europe, increase the programme’s socio-economic benefits to the European Union and further support the competitiveness European Earth Observation industry. To achieve these objectives, it is essential to continue and optimise the Copernicus User Uptake activities.
This workshop will explore synergies between Copernicus User Uptake initiative at the European and national levels, focusing on instruments such as skills programmes, business-oriented initiatives and uptake by public users. It will also provide an opportunity for stakeholders from the Member States and the European Commission for an open discussion on the future evolution of Copernicus User Uptake activities. ”
BalticSatApps will be featured on the workshop by the Lead partner project manager, Tuomas Ranti from the University of Turku. BalticSatApps will be presented in the SESSION 3: User Uptake through Business-Oriented Initiatives as one of the best practices from Copernicus Participating Countries’ Business-Oriented Programmes.
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