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The Marine Research Institute (MRI) aims to design and deliver an information day in the framework of an educational workshop which will be addressed to students from public and private schools, universities. The MRI, already has previous experience in successfully supporting participation of schools in national and European research competitions, has established academy for young scientists “SmartSea” encouraging students to become young researchers. Moreover, the MRI, participated in Science Cafes and Researchers’ Night events; carried out multiple school visits during which the activities of the MRI were communicated to students.

During the workshop “Lithuania from Space”, a series of specific case studies will be presented by the organizers and attendees. The topics will be based on the Copernicus services, such as Marine and coastal monitoring, Land cover, Natural hazards, Urban and Cultural mapping etc. The objective is to inform the students about the use of Copernicus Data and promote the cultivation of Earth Observation culture!

Students will be offered a first introduction in the opportunities available by the set of data available from the Copernicus missions, such as Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3. After the presentations, the students will have the opportunity practically to test the knowledge they acquired through interactive workshop.

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