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TERN/CNR will organize its regional kick-off meeting in the framework of CoRdiNet project. Different stakeholders at regional level will represent the main audience. In particular, LRA, SAI and SME, acting as (potential) provider/user of Copernicus data/services will attend the meeting. The latter will represent also the occasion of engaging University of Basilicata professors, researchers and students, bringing also the academic expertise and knowledge into the discussion with the aim to show the great potential of Copernicus data/services for environmental monitoring. Both TERN/CNR and University of Basilicata have previous experiences in the organization of different kind of meetings (workshops, training events, outreach activities,…), even related to Copernicus initiative (When Space meets Agriculture, Matera, 14-15 November 2016, SPACE4CULTURE, Matera, 15-16 October 2018, Researchers’ Night, Potenza, 28 September 2018, etc.) and they have a well recognised knowledge and expertise on Copernicus program that will be transferred to the audience.

Different specific case studies and applications analyzed by using Copernicus data/services and particularly related to the Basilicata region issues and peculiarities (mostly on Natural, Environmental  and Technological Risks monitoring and Climatology related  applications) will be presented and discussed, fostering an increase of the interest toward Copernicus data and trying to reduce barriers limited their full usage so far. The Copernicus core services will also be presented, together with Sentinel data characteristics and access points, including conventional data access hubs and the more recent operational Copernicus DIAS (Data and Information Access Services). Finally, face-to-face meetings and interviews with representative of LRA, SAI and SME will be also carried out in the framework of CoRdiNet WP2 activities.

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