CopHub.AC – Copernicus Academy Hub
for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach

What is CopHub.AC?

The overall aim of the Horizon 2020 project CopHub.AC is to establish long-term Copernicus hubs to consolidate and sustain the Copernicus Academy as a knowledge and innovation platform.
To fulfil this, several nodes are created – like the knowledge landscape, dedicated thematic working groups, and a roadmap to sustain the Academy. In an innovation pipeline, the project links ongoing R&D activities in Copernicus-relevant academic fields and fosters the mutual innovation process between academia and business on a high technical level. We have a clear commitment to a full thematic and geographic coverage for a Europe-wide boost in demand-driven uptake of space technology and geospatial information.

Project Outcomes

Citizen Application
The CopHub.AC Citizen App will provide information about the Copernicus Academy to interested people. The information provided will consist of different Copernicus Service information layers such as temperature, soil moisture, air quality, aso.
Here you can test an additional application form, by which the CopHub.AC project collects additional data of potential and current members, in order to feed the knowledge landscape and other interactive tools under development.
Innovation Monitor
The Innovation Monitor is anticipated as a dashboard-type of interface providing facts & figures on Copernicus stimulated innovation (in analogy to the EU Innovation Scoreboard).
Knowledge Landscape
The Knowledge Landscape Map is a Web service providing information about the Copernicus Academy members showing institutions and their expertise in relevant fields, in a user-friendly and searchable way.
Thematic Working Groups
The overall objective of the Copernicus Academy Thematic Working Groups is to capitalise on the excellence of the Copernicus Academy members to provide research results to the Copernicus stakeholders in a systematic way.
CopHub.AC / CoRDiNet Joint Policy Brief
The experiences of two complementary Horizon 2020 projects, CopHub.AC and CoRdiNet, which are part of the user uptake strategy of the European Union for Copernicus data and services are shown in a joint booklet.

Research outcomes need to be made visible and accessible to all. A dynamic knowledge landscape shows the distributed expertise and innovation, both in methods and in applications.

Reaching out to the public at large is paramount to increase awareness about Copernicus and its wider acceptance. Engaging students and young people in multidisciplinary research and inspiring lab and field studies.

The Copernicus Academy stimulates the sharing of expertise and tools between all actors involved, such as academic institutions, public authorities, and the private sector.

Bridging academia and research is key to innovation. We have to learn from each other and communicate in order to make EO solutions really work. Innovation needs a constant exchange of ideas and proofs-of-concept.