Our Vision

Copernicus programme boosting the European Space Sector

The Space sector in Europe has been boosted by the Copernicus programme, bringing significant socio-economic and environmental benefits to public sector, businesses and citizens. For the maximisation of the impact of Copernicus sustainable user uptake activities are required. Within these activities Copernicus Academy and Copernicus Relays play a significant role. Having been the “creator” of the Academy and leaders in the implementation we are 100% motivated to ensure the effective coordination of this network of academies/relays and deliver value to the targeted communities. Our vision is to establish a long-term Copernicus hub to consolidate and sustain the Copernicus Academy as a knowledge and innovation platform.

Specific objectives are:

  • Ensure the efficient coordination and effective project management of CopHub.AC towards the successful achievement of the planned outcomes
  • Foster the enlargement of the Copernicus Academy ecosystem through a well-orchestrated set of tools and structures
  • Reinforce the R&I capacities of Copernicus Academy and channel their outputs within an improved format of research briefs
  • Inform industry, educational networks, authorities and the citizen about Copernicus and its societal benefits
  • Promote capacity building and connectivity with the Copernicus Relays in coordination with CoRdiNet and other networks
  • Promote the long-term impact and sustainability of the Copernicus Academy network through the establishment of a secretariat, a monitoring process and a forward-looking roadmap in coordination with the Copernicus Support Office (CSO)

Measures to achieve these objectives:

  • Networking and coordination activities: CopHub.AC brings together core actors, early adaptors, and promoters of the Copernicus Academy and document their achievements in attractive research briefs
  • Innovation facilitator: Following the principles of Open Innovation, CopHub.AC acts as an innovation hub for collecting, showcasing, and sharing best practice examples and new developments or service ideas of the Copernicus ecosystem
  • Visualisation of complex realities: distributed knowledge, capacities, and services, via the CopHub.AC Knowledge Landscape
  • Technological developments (to certain degree) for reaching out to the Copernicus community at large, via the CopHub.AC Gateway and the CopHub.AC Citizen App